
Tiffany’s Tips • Did you know 1 0 1?

April 12, 2018
Tiffany's Tips • Did you know
It’s did you know month on Hello Smart Blog

And this April we’re bringing you the cold (yes, can you believe it’s almost Winter?), hard facts on all that is skincare. The 1 0 1 – Tiffany’s Tips style.

1. Winter Boosters

Surely everyone knows the benefits that Vitamin C offers, but did you know that applying Vitamin C to the skin is 20 times more effective than digesting it!

Also did you know that your skin cannot make new Collagen without Vitamin C?

Tiffany's Tips • Did you know

Now before you go off rubbing oranges or spritzing juice on your face there is a much easier way:

  • Lamelle recharge CE complex is a serum that contains stabilized Ascorbic Acid (a form of Vitamin C) and plays a huge roll in protecting the skin against free radicals, assists the functioning of Vitamin E in the skin and is essential in the formation of new collagen.
*A little extra fact: Did you know after the age of 20 your skin produces 1% less collagen in the skin every year!

Tiffany's Tips • Did you know Lamelle recharge CE complex

2. Keeping it clean

Feeling to lazy or tired or cold to remove your make up after a long day?

Well, did you know going to bed with your make up on ages your skin 7 times faster!? Yikes!

Tiffany's Tips • Did you know - face cleansing

Vital tips in facial cleansing are:
  • Ensure that you use a soap free cleanser and rinse with lukewarm water.
  • Soaps strip the skin of vital natural oils and can disrupt the pH of the skin.
  • Another alternative if you’re already under the covers is to keep a moisturizing make up remover wipe at hand and
  • don’t forget your night cream!
Some of my favorite facial cleansing products are:

Tiffany's Tips • Did you know - Dermalogica precleanse oil

3. Sun savvy

But it’s Winter?

Mmm yes, but did you know women who go to tanning beds (regardless the season) increase their risk for skin cancer by 69%. Definitely not worth it! And even though 59% of women “KNOW” they should wear SPF daily, sadly only 30% do.

Tiffany's Tips - sunscreen

Investing in a SPF all-year-round is a crucial part of your skincare regime as the greatest percentage of skin damage is in fact caused by sun exposure. With so many SPF options available there are no more excuses not wear your sun screen and as for that “sun-kissed” glow?

Aisles of products are at our disposal, as well as some amazing in-salon spray tans.

Try these super products for SPF:

Tiffany's Tips • Did you know - Lamelle Helase 50+

Top Tanning creams:

*Lamelle and Fake bake products stocked by Tiffany. It’s a girl thing

Tiffany's Tips - Fake Bake

So ladies, if you didn’t know, now you definitely DO KNOW!

And as 75% of women agreed: the best compliment is when people can’t guess your age. So, keep them guessing I say and invest in your skin. After all, your skin is going to represent you for a very long time • Linden Tyler 


*Written by Tiffany from Tiffany. It’s a girl thing our in-house Beauty & Skin Whizz

Tiffany it's a girl thing



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