For those of you out there who are Game of Throner’s – it’s official – the white raven has come to let us know: Winter is here! And it brings along with it the dreaded winter blues cold feet, runny noses, food cravings and a need to stay in bed and hibernate.
But Winter has it’s upside too: cozy fireplaces, hot chocolate and those crisp, sunny winter mornings. See… Not all bad.
There are many other ways to lighten up dreary winter days, here are 5 helpful beauty tips to beat the winter blues:
1. A full body massage
Even if the thought of taking off all your clothes seems madness, the benefits outweigh the initial discomfort. Therapists will always ensure that the room is cozy plus you have the added benefit of the oil deeply moisturizing dry, winter skin. Leaving cold muscles relaxed and getting the blood circulation activated. Top Tip: Add a Hot Stone therapy for extra heat and luxury.
2. Layer up
Much like getting dressed (vest, shirt, jersey, coat etc.) your skin too might need a few extra layers to lock in extra moisture. So invest in a serum or add a barrier cream to your skin routine.
3. Shed some skin
To better improve the penetration of serums and creams, a good exfoliation, i.e a skin peel or microdermabrasion treatment removes the dead skin layer and will leave your skin with a healthy glow.
4. Brighten up
By adding some color, winter will definitely seem less gray and gloomy. Nail and Lip colors are available in a variety of berry, plum and deep red shades. Stay on trend by going all matt this winter.
5. Take a dip
Not the kind of dip you’re thinking of;) Ask your therapist to add a paraffin wax dip to your next hand or foot treatment. The hot wax is enriched with moisturizing oils- perfect to nourish dry skin and heat winter hands and feet.
So before you take extreme measures and migrate to more tropical climates, try beating the blues in a much easier way! And if all else fails you can always resort to copious amounts of Hot Chocolate!!
Written by Tiffany from Tiffany…It’s a girl thing our in-house Beauty & Skin Whizz