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The Killers


Music by Magpie • New Album Releases for the Fourth Quarter

October 17, 2017
Music by Magpie • goldfish-live

2017 has been a roller coaster of new music AND one Blog Post will not do justice to all that has been and all that is to come, however I have filtered out the new album releases in the last month or so that had piqued my curiosity, three albums from three rather diverse genres that left three most different impressions.   The Killers • Wonderful Wonderful Frankly, I am rather disappointed by this record which isn’t as Wonderful as the name suggests, not even remotely. Although the pre-released single ‘The Man’ perked my interests, the rest of this album is very…

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Music by Magpie • A few of my Favourite Music Things

November 18, 2016
Favourite Music

It’s the final countdown, 2016 has been a long year and as it catapults to an end I am optimistic that I will survive, and convinced that my love for finding and discovering new music is what has kept me going. The other day I started compiling a playlist with a few of my favourite songs, this proved to be a much more challenging experience than I originally anticipated, the playlist is currently 3 hours 27 minutes long and is nowhere near finished, so don’t stop me now. I think that sometimes I get confused between my favourite songs to…

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