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Bright Sparks

Huibre-Mare and Louise-Mare Botes • The Tennis Prodigies

August 25, 2017
Bright Sparks • Huibre-Mare & Louise-Mare Botes

You have brains in your head. You have feet in your shoes. You can steer yourself any direction you choose – Dr. Suess Meet Huibre-Mare and Louise-Mare Botes. The exceptionally gifted Tennis prodigies from Bloemfontein. Probably two of the most talented and dedicated young women we have ever met. To have such incredible focus and commitment at such a young age is truly remarkable! They both represented South Africa for the U14, U16 and U18 teams in tennis. Huibre-Mare was ranked the No. 1 school tennis player in South Africa and also won the South African National singles title. Louise-Mare was…

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