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Street Style • The K-Way Puffer and Smart Tees

July 30, 2019
Smart Team Street Style • The K-Way Puffer and Smart Tees

Introducing the custom OFS K-Way Puffer and Smart Tees collection for 2019. It’s no secret. The Smart Team LOVES our brand. Smart, sassy and stylish. We live it. We breathe it… And we most certainly WEAR it. We believe our brand is not just what we do, but HOW we do it and WHO we are. That’s why, every year, we celebrate SMART by designing a custom Smart Team Street Style collection. Our very own gear that we, the Smartguys and Smartgirls of OFS, get to wear PROUDLY to work (and beyond 🙂) It’s a bit like wearing our hearts on our sleeve,…

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