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Brainy Business

8 of the most anticipated cars coming to South Africa in 2018

February 6, 2018
Jaguar E-pace • 8 of the most anticipated cars coming to South Africa in 2018

I’ve always been asked, ‘What is my favourite car?’ and I’ve always said ‘The next one.’   Carroll Shelby According to a December 2017 report by Wesbank, demand and stocks for used vehicles is slowly drying up across South Africa, leaving motorists to search for new models at a bargain. WesBank’s data showed that the current replacement cycle for new cars is at 44 months. The ageing carpark means consumers are ready to replace their vehicles before service and warranty plans lapse. These consumers also want new cars that bring a promise of reliability as well as fuel-efficient technologies. For these…

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Our Favourite Travels • Smartguy Aluminium Training in Germany

November 10, 2017
Aluminium Training Neckarsulm Germany

If at first the idea is not absurd, then there will be no hope for it – Albert Einstein Aluminum, once a metal mainly associated with aerospace technology, has become the collision repair industry’s latest buzzword. Not just for high-end import vehicles anymore, aluminum is going mainstream. “Why?” you might ask Well, quite simply, Aluminum builds a better vehicle. Aluminum’s use in auto and commercial vehicles is accelerating at a major pace because it offers the fastest, safest, most environmentally friendly and cost-effective way to increase performance, boost fuel economy and reduce emissions while maintaining or improving safety and durability…

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