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Brainy Business

TOP 10 Companies Millennials Want to work for

September 6, 2017
TOP 10 Companies Millennials Want to work for - Google

Tweet others the way you want to want to be tweeted ― Germany Kent According to Pew Research, as of 2015, Millennials made up more than one third of the World’s entire workforce, which allowed them to surpass Gen X as the largest working generation. With this number anticipated to rise dramatically in the coming years, what Millennials expect from their workplace is going to become an increasingly important factor for companies. There is so much written about what Millennials want from an employer, whether it’s benefits, flexibility, or career opportunities… But in terms of who does it best, where do most…

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Brainy Business

The World’s Most Valuable Brands 2017

June 1, 2017
The World's Most Valuable Brands 2017

Brand value. Everybody wants it. Many struggle to achieve it. Few brands truly attain it. It’s no accident that the world’s most valuable brands excel year after year. In a global economy subject to changing market dynamics and heightened competition, the role of brands has never been greater. With the top 100 brands this year having a cumulative value of $1.95 trillion, one thing is for certain, it sure pays to up your brand game! But who is the WHO of brands in 2017? Every year Forbes magazine creates a list of the world’s most valuable brands. Forbes values brands…

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