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Music by Magpie • New Album Releases for the Fourth Quarter

October 17, 2017
Music by Magpie • goldfish-live

2017 has been a roller coaster of new music AND one Blog Post will not do justice to all that has been and all that is to come, however I have filtered out the new album releases in the last month or so that had piqued my curiosity, three albums from three rather diverse genres that left three most different impressions.   The Killers • Wonderful Wonderful Frankly, I am rather disappointed by this record which isn’t as Wonderful as the name suggests, not even remotely. Although the pre-released single ‘The Man’ perked my interests, the rest of this album is very…

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Music by Magpie • Is local music lekke enough?

August 9, 2016
Local South African Music

Earlier this year local broadcaster, the SABC made a somewhat radical decision (or rather one of many) to enforce a quota system across their  +/- 18 Radio Stations, this would involve these local station’s having to play 90% local content each and every single day. The question is do we have enough really good local music? 90% local content would mean 21.6 hours of a possible 24, taking into consideration talking and adverts, let’s say there would be about 16 hours to fill (that’s about 960min), the average song is about 4min long at most, so that’s on average 240…

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