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Just n Motion • The 4Peaks Mountain Challenge

October 3, 2017
Just n Motion • The 4Peaks Mountain Challenge - Justin Oelofsen

Trials teach us what we are; they dig up the soil, and let us see what we are made of – Charles Spurgeon What a better way to celebrate The Great Outdoors than with an outdoor activity that captures the physical, mental and emotional aspects of exercise…TRAIL RUNNING! Trail Running is one of the fastest growing outdoor activities in the world. The scenerary, fresh air and the pure tranquility of being able to exercise in Nature is in some cases, simply stunning. Due to the rising popularity of trail running, there are many well organised events for both novice and…

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Just n Motion • Balance your way through Winter

June 21, 2017
Just ‘n Motion • Balance your way through Winter

WINTER…that one word that has the ability to disrupt our training routines. However, let us try and beat the winter bug by heating up your exercise program by introducing an awesome exercise modality which is now is known as PROPRIOCEPTION. So what is proprioception or more commonly known as balance? It’s the ability to sense stimuli arising within the body regarding position, motion, and equilibrium. Even if a person is blindfolded, he or she knows through proprioception if an arm is above the head or hanging by the side of the body. People who have good body Biomechanics have the…

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