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Art Director

Bright Sparks

Christo Smit • Urbanjava

July 29, 2016
Christo Smith Art Director Urbanjava

Meet Christo Smit. The insanely talented founder, Art Director and entrepreneur of Urbanjava. Specializing in digital design and brand communication across multiple platforms and channels, Christo is the yin to the yang of Hello Smart Blog. An incredible collaborator with a radical flair, we proudly introduce to you, the superb designer and Art Director behind the Hello Smart Blog and OFS Smart Repair brands. Name: Christo Surname: Smit Age: 29 years YOUNG Profession/Life’s work: Entrepreneur and Founder of Urbanjava / Art Director | Co-Founder: Easy Student (Tech Start-up) So, what’s your story? Being born as a child of wonder, I was…

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