
Smart Food • Spring Superfood Smoothie

September 16, 2016
Banana Peanut butter superfood smoothie

Putting a spring back into your step… a superfood smoothie that gets you into the groove…

Stella needs to get her groove back and what easier and tastier way than the preparation of a Banana Peanut Butter & Chocolate superfood smoothie!

Banana Peanut butter superfood smoothie

What are super foods?

Google has them defined as follows…

Super food

Although there seems to be no official scientific definition of a superfood, I would like to believe there are natural foods that enhance our mood, boost our energy, contain high levels of much needed vitamins & minerals as well as shielding our bodies from cell damage and preventing disease.

For me, a superfood smoothie is a convenient way of getting a wholesome breakfast in to start the day… Its easy to prepare, filling and lasts me till lunchtime avoiding those dreaded mid morning munchies!

ingredients Superfood smoothie

The superfoods in our Banana Peanut Butter & Chocolate smoothie are:
  • O A T S
  • B A N A N A
  • A L M O N D S
  • C A C A O

ingredients Superfood smoothie

Ingredients you’ll need for your Superfood Smoothie:
  • ½ cup oats
  • 1 cup ice cubes
  • 1 banana, peeled and cut up into chunks
  • 1 cup almond milk
  • 2 TBSP peanut butter (we used the no additional salt & sugar PB from Woolies)
  • 1 TBSP raw cacao powder (available from health shops)
  • 1 TBSP honey
  • 1 tsp vanilla extract

Banana & Peanut butter Superfood Smoothie

  • If you like it smooth, place the oats in your blender jug and blend until fine then add the rest of the ingredients and blitz
  • If you don’t mind a smoothie that is courser in texture, blend all the ingredients together

Banana & Peanut butter Superfood Smoothie

Smart Tips for creating your next super food smoothie…
  • Get creative with flavours
  • Make the smoothie filling
  • Include important nutrients such as good carbs, healthy fats & proteins
  • Cut back on bad ingredients such as refined sugars and sweeteners
  • Pack your smoothie ingredients into ziploc freezer bags on a weekly basis and freeze… the dirty work is done and a convenient breakfast just got even easier to make…

Smart Smoothie - Banana & Peanut butter Superfood Smoothie

*SUPER NEWS: The Banana Peanut Butter & Chocolate superfood smoothie – a.k.a the Smart Smoothie will be available to order at Jack & Jill Food co. from Monday the 19th of September! 

Written by Jill Nowers of Jack & Jill Food co. • Our in-house Culinary CreativeJill Nowers - Jack & Jill Food co.

*Sources: What The Fork Food Blog, Google, Getting’ my Health On, Real Simple

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