Bright Sparks

BMWP • Boonzaier Meyer Wentzel Physiotherapy

October 28, 2016
Boonzaier Meyer Wentzel Physiotherapy

Meet the partners of BMWPBoonzaier Meyer Wentzel Physiotherapy. Dana Boonzaier, Riaan Meyer and Schalk Wentzel are pioneering, passionate and witty to boot.

Providing a broad range of innovative physiotherapy assessments, treatments and education, Boonzaier Meyer Wentzel Physiotherapy always aims to be original, inventive and advanced.

Thinking out of the box seems to be a specialty of this razor sharp trio – Meet the Mavericks of Physiotherapy.

Boonzaier Meyer Wentzel Physiotherapy

Free State Stadium

Dana Boonzaier
  • Age: 34
  • Profession/Life’s work: Physiotherapist and part-time property investor.

Dana Boonzaier

Riaan Meyer
  • Age: 30 something (39)
  • Profession/Life’s work: Physiotherapist and entrepreneur

Riaan Meyer

Schalk Wentzel
  • Age: 27
  • Profession/Life’s work: Physiotherapist and entrepreneur

Schalk Wentzel

Boonzaier Meyer Wentzel Physiotherapy

So what’s the story of the Boonzaier Meyer Wentzel Physiotherapy Trio?
Where were you born?

Dana: Pretoria

Riaan: The jewel of the Karoo, Graaff Reinet

Schalk: Kimberley (not mom’s name)

Where did you go to school?

Dana: Bethlehem Voortrekker High School

Riaan: I went to school in Graaff Reinet at Volkskool

Schalk: Jordania primary school and Grey College secondary school

Where and what did you study?

Dana: UFS, Bloemfontein, Bsc(Physio)

Riaan: I studied at Kovsies and was a bit of a long term student;) I first studied B.Sc Biology and finished the degree and then I studied physiotherapy.

Schalk: BsC. Physiotherapy at Kovsies (UFS) 2008-2011

What was your childhood dream?

Dana: As every young South African boy my dream was to don the Green and Gold, be a Springbok!

Riaan: To become a springbok rugby player or He-Man. But “apparently” you can’t become an action figure.

Schalk: Playing Cricket for the Proteas while being a game ranger in my free time. (This was after Asthma as a kid shattered my dreams of becoming a fireman) 🙁

Boonzaier Meyer Wentzel Physiotherapy

Boonzaier Meyer Wentzel Physiotherapy

What was your first job?

Dana: An usher at a cinema in Bethlehem.

Riaan: I painted walls in Graaff Reinet during the varsity holidays. Not my best work.

Schalk: Robala ka kgotso tombstones; making, selling and delivering quality cement tombstones. Also had a glimpse of fame operating the spotlight for musician Annelie van Rooyen at a primary school concert, but couldn’t catch the limelight.

Advice that shaped you career?


  • Its the set of the sails, not the direction of the wind which determines which way we will go.
  • Work harder on yourself than you do on your job and
  • Don’t wish life was easier, wish you were better.

Riaan: What you put in is what you get out. If it’s your time to grind, then put in the hours.

Schalk: In an unpredictable society; control the controllable. ” Knights and Titans fast bowler CJ de Villiers”

What gets you out of bed in the morning?

Dana: A conviction and a will to be better than I was yesterday and a passion to add value into other people’s lives.

Riaan: My 3 year old and 6 year old boys… they really don’t sleep late!

Schalk: First of all COFFEE and then I try to see each new day as a gift from God and what I do with it as my gift to Him.

What motivates you?

Dana: To add value and make a difference in others lives and constant personal improvement.

Riaan: The desire to always improve, to be innovative and to grow.

Schalk: Colleagues and family. People who place the need of other people above their own and people who rise to success from difficult circumstances growing up and not using them as an excuse in life.

Boonzaier Meyer Wentzel Physiotherapy

Boonzaier Meyer Wentzel Physiotherapy

Boonzaier Meyer Wentzel Physiotherapy

How do you spend your down time?

Dana: I have always been a sports fanatic. I used to play rugby and cycled after my rugby career ended. I don’t cycle anymore, but now I actively participate in Crossfit. I follow sport on TV. I also enjoy reading a good book.

Riaan: I like to play golf, travel and spend time with my beautiful family.

Schalk: I love traveling, sport, mountains and sea, so as a proud Western Province supporter Cape Town caters for all of the above.

What does success look like to you?

Dana: There is such a focus and an obsession with financial security these days that most people are only interested in that. However success is much of the following to me:

  • Becoming healthy or maintaining health
  • Being resilient and being able to adapt to all that may come my way
  • To be more financially secure
  • To have deeper and more fulfilling relationships
  • To live a life of purpose
  • Being happy and content
  • To surround myself with abundance and beauty

Riaan: The idea of success differs from person to person. Success for me is truly reaching your potential. Being the BEST person YOU can be. Setting goals, achieving them and then still striving to be better next time.

Schalk: I think success is measured by the amount of free time you have. If you are able to spend it with someone special you are even more successful.

What sets you apart as an influential man in business?

Dana: This is quite a difficult question for me to answer. I wouldn’t consider myself as an influential businessman. What I can say however is that I am a very blessed and fortunate man to have friends and business partners who are willing to share their success as businessman with me.

Riaan: I like to think out of the box and always bring something original to the mix. I can also ROCK a Rose quartz shirt;)

Schalk: Walking the extra mile for someone in need when only few others would. You have to be mentally fit and be the difference that you want to see. People don’t always remember what you said to them, but always how you made them feel.

What are the valuable lessons you have learnt in business?

Dana: That we are all but human! All people have a need and a wish to be treated with respect and dignity and that they need to be valued. Therefore I try to treat all, be they the hospital manager, a specialist, porter or cleaner, with the same respect, admiration and appreciation.

Riaan: Never rest on your laurels. Be innovative. Always aim to be better and improve.

Schalk: That “NO” only means it’s not an immediate YES. Never burn bridges. (or anything especially on a SA campus).

Boonzaier Meyer Wentzel Physiotherapy

When I hire I want? What makes a great employee?

Dana: Assuming that the person I hire has the right technical skills for the job needed, I will be in search of a good team player with the following attributes:

  • Demonstrates reliability
  • Communicates constructively
  • Listens actively
  • Functions as an active participant
  • Shares openly and willingly
  • Cooperates and pitches in to help
  • Exhibits flexibility
  • Shows commitment to the team
  • Works as a problem-solver
  • Treats others in a respectful and supportive manner

Riaan: For me consistency and professionalism really counts. I want someone who is committed and delivers day in and day out.

Schalk: It is said in order to keep your clients happy, keep your employees happy as they will then do anything to make sure the clients are happy. Someone with passion and who takes pride in their job will never fail you because they will actually see it as failing themselves.

Give me 3 words that describes you best?

Dana: Patient, hardworking, goal driven.

Riaan: Social, ambitious, witty.

Schalk: Laugh. Family. Determination.

What are your 3 biggest accomplishments?


  • Considering the cycling accident I had in 2013 and the fairly serious injuries I obtained, just considering I’m alive and living at the functional level I am at, is a huge accomplishment. But not by my doing! This is all by the grace of Our Heavenly Father.
  • If I look back upon my life I can also say that just the fact that I was able to go to university and study was “Heaven sent” and is an amazing blessing.
  • To think I played a small role and a part in getting Boonzaier and Meyer Physiotherapists off the ground and kept it going and going well and to think that, as part of a team, I also played a part in getting it to where it is today as Boonzaier, Meyer and Wentzel Physiotherapists.


  • Persuading my beautiful wife to marry me.
  • Building the BMWP practice with my partners.
  • My Std 9 rugby year was also a highlight being on the shortlist for SA schools.


  • Director/partner of BMWP
  • AK Volsteedt medal award at Grey College
  • Surviving my best friend Stefan Greyling’s bachelors
I wish I could tell my 22-year-old self:

Dana: Something like: “Stand back. Let it all sink in. Live in the moment. Stop being so focused on the future.”

Riaan: Be patient. Don’t rush. Put in the hard work and never give up.

Schalk: It will be a lot more difficult to find a girlfriend on 27 plus remember beer is high on carbs

Boonzaier Meyer Wentzel Physiotherapy

Boonzaier Meyer Wentzel Physiotherapy

Hidden talent:

Dana: I don’t feel that I have any hidden talents. I’m just your normal, down to earth, run of the mill, kind of guy.

Riaan: I could have been an acrobat – I am very limber 😉

Schalk: Karaoke entertainer – Good to have around at a karaoke as I make poor singers look great compared to my lack of talent but not of effort.

What other entrepreneurs or business leaders do you look up to?

Dana: Robert Kiyosaki, Jim Rohn, Robin Sharma, Richard Branson, Steve Jobs, Warren Buffet

Riaan: Warren Buffet – even at his age, he is still working 14 hours a day.


  • Patrice Motsepe – involved with Sports as president of Mamelodi Sundowns soccer club and has a massive heart when it comes to donating for charity/crisis times(Ebola)
  • Christo Wiese – a family first man who is humble in his ways.
What is one characteristic that you believe every leader should possess?

Dana: Vision

Riaan: Great people skills and grit.

Schalk: Self belief – if you don’t even believe in yourself, how do you expect others to believe in you.

What advice would you give someone going into a leadership position for the first time?

Dana: Have a clear vision and mental picture of what you want to do and achieve and remember that getting to be a leader is all about growing or improving yourself, whereas being a leader is all about growing or improving others.

Riaan: Be an inspiration and a humble mentor. Lead by example.


  • Do not take everything personal, not everyone will like you and not everyday is good, but there is good in everyday.
  • Don’t be so busy treading water in the storms of life that you forget truly how much you enjoy to swim.

Boonzaier Meyer Wentzel Physiotherapy

Boonzaier Meyer Wentzel Physiotherapy

Dana’s Favourites:
  • Colour: Blue
  • Food: A good steak
  • Sport: Rugby/Cricket/Cycling
  • Sport persona: Rich Froning and John Smit
  • Happy place: In the mountains of the Eastern Free State
  • Band: Foo Fighters
  • Car: I currently drive a Toyota Fortuner, but I have always had a special soft spot for a Range Rover Sport and an American muscle car, a Ford Mustang!
  • If you could meet anyone living or dead who would it be and why? Nelson Mandela because of his fair treatment of all people no matter what background; Mohatma Gandhi because of his peaceful opposition to forces he disagreed with; and Robert Kiyosaki to learn more on property investment.
  • Quote: “Treat people as if they were what they ought to be and you help them to become what they are capable of being” – Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
  • Book or Magazine: There are too many. I am however currently busy with: “Building Wealth One House at a Time” by John W. Schlub and “How to Win Friends and Influence People in the Industrial Age” by Dale Carnegie. I also have a subscription to the Real Estate Investor Magazine, South African Edition.

Boonzaier Meyer Wentzel Physiotherapy

Riaan’s Favourites:
  • Colour: Green
  • Food: Karoo lamb chops
  • Sport: Rugby
  • Sport persona: Andre Agassi – Business in front, party at the back 😉
  • Happy place: The South coast with my family
  • Band: The Rolling Stones
  • Car: Range Rover
  • If you could meet anyone living or dead who would it be and why? Winston Churchill. He was one of the most interesting, fiercely smart and influential people in history. He always kept his wit and excellent sense of humour.
  • Quote: To improve is to change, to be perfect is to change often – Winston Churchill
  • Book or Magazine: Time magazine

Boonzaier Meyer Wentzel Physiotherapy

Schalk’s Favorites:
  • Colour: light/sky blue
  • Food: melkkos/sago – pizza -steak
  • Sport: Any (sport beats movies)
  • Sport persona: Chris Gayle and Usain Bolt
  • Happy place: Family farm Eastern Cape in the Stormberge and Cape Town
  • Band: Lifehouse
  • Car: One that’s works although a Maserati I wouldn’t mind
  • If you could meet anyone living or dead who would it be and why? Alive – Sachin Tendulkar – have spent so many hours watching him play cricket from since I can remember. Belated – My grandfather on my mother’s side as I never got to know him, but would have loved to if he was anything like her.
  • Quote: If you haven’t given everything, then you have given nothing.
  • Book or Magazine: Kringe in n Bos – Dalene Mathee

Boonzaier Meyer Wentzel Physiotherapy



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