Brainy Business

5 Business Tips guys can learn from girls

April 19, 2016

The saying goes – men are from Mars, women are from Venus. We think differently, we act differently and our approach to business certainly differs. It’s hard to argue that there isn’t something both men and women can learn from from one another when it comes to business.

So, in the spirit of sharing, here are 5 Business Tips the guys can learn from the girls:

  1. Spell check

Before you send that e-mail or correspondence, read it twice and make sure you spell check guys! Nothing is more embarrassing and unprofessional than an e-mail full of spelling and grammar mistakes.

  1. Dress for success

Take a very important note from the girls’ playbook and dress as you want to be seen: professional, successful, and the kind of person the company wants to represent it. Take time to put together and style your outfit – leave the casual jeans and sneakers for the weekends.

  1. Greet your customers and smile

Service with a smile is always important for any business. But don’t be fake about it guys! Turn that frown upside down and greet every customer with a sincere warm smile.

  1. Introduce yourself

Do not underestimate the power of GOOD manners! You’ll never get a second chance to make a great first impression. Introduce yourself to your customer/client as a sign of respect to them and take care to remember their name as well.

  1. Pay attention to detail

It’s the little details that are often the difference between failure and success. When you listen, make sure you pay attention. When you need to remember a specific detail, write it down. Knowing the specifics will give you a competitive edge.

*Stay tuned: Next month we’ll be sharing 5 Business Tips girls can learn from guys

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